Pedal-powered journeys: bike blogs for EU cycling holidays

bike Pedal-powered journeys Kim Wright
Approx read: 3 mins

Exploring Europe on two wheels

A cyclist’s guide for online resources

battleface dives into the realm of cycling and the travel blogs that focus on Europe, with its rich tapestry of roads, routes, diversity and culture.

These blogs offer a window into the myriad experiences available to cyclists across Europe, from the serene vineyards of France to the rugged landscapes of the Scottish Highlands. They are not only a source of practical advice and route suggestions but also provide valuable insights into the cultural and culinary delights that accompany such journeys.

Each blog, with its unique perspective, caters to a range of interests and skill levels, whether it’s for those seeking leisurely scenic rides or challenging mountain adventures. Through these blogs, readers can traverse Europe’s picturesque cycling paths, gaining inspiration and knowledge to plan their own two-wheeled explorations across this historically rich and geographically diverse continent.

road Pedal-powered journeys: bike blogs for EU cycling holidays battleface insights

The Guardian Bike Blog

This blog from The Guardian offers a comprehensive look at cycling from a variety of angles, including lifestyle, health, urban planning, and environmental impacts. It’s a great resource for those interested not only in cycling holidays but also in the broader context of cycling as a part of everyday life. The blog covers topics ranging from cycling infrastructure in cities to personal stories of cycling adventures, making it a well-rounded source of information for cycling enthusiasts.

Cycling the Danube

Dive into the heart of Europe’s cycling haven with Cycling the Danube, a blog dedicated to the famed EuroVelo 6 route. Stretching alongside the enchanting Danube River, this path weaves through 10 countries, offering a unique blend of cultural and natural beauty. The blog is packed with engaging stories from fellow cyclists, essential tips for navigating the route, and breathtaking photography that captures the essence of the Danube cycling experience. Whether you’re planning a short trip or a comprehensive journey along this iconic cycling route, this blog is your go-to source for making your Danube cycling adventure a reality.

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Epic Road Rides

This blog features a range of cycling routes and events throughout Europe. It includes destinations like Finland and the French Alps, providing insights into various cycling challenges and picturesque routes. Epic Road Rides is perfect for cyclists seeking a range of experiences.

Cycling for Softies

Cycling for Softies delves deeply into the rich tapestry of European cycling destinations, with a particular focus on the intertwining of scenic beauty and culinary delights. It meticulously explores various routes across Italy, Spain, and the UK, countries renowned for their distinctive landscapes and gastronomic heritage.


This blog site serves as a comprehensive hub for a diverse array of bike travel stories shared to the online community. It’s a welcoming space for every kind of biking adventure, encompassing the varied facets of bikepacking and touring. Whether it’s a brief overnight jaunt or an epic round-the-world journey, whether the paths are paved or off-road, and regardless of the pace – be it swift or leisurely – BikeSleepBike embraces the entire spectrum of cycling experiences.

alp Pedal-powered journeys: bike blogs for EU cycling holidays battleface insights

Cycle the Alps

Cycle the Alps highlights extraordinary cycling adventures in the Alps, tailored for enthusiasts seeking more than just a regular tour. These trips are akin to training camps, blending the comforts of classic European bike tours, gourmet food, premium hotels, and excellent road support with demanding routes designed for experienced riders. The tours focus on enhancing cycling skills, including group riding, descending, and climbing, all while ensuring a high-quality, memorable cycling vacation with their dedicated team.

The Yubike Tours Cycling Blog

This cycling blog is a treasure trove of information and tips for cycling enthusiasts, with a focus on European destinations like France, Italy, and Holland, though it occasionally covers other regions too. For those seeking in-depth details about their bike tours and booking information, the blog directs readers to its FAQ page. It’s also a great resource for regular articles and guides, offering readers a chance to immerse themselves in cycling adventures, even when they’re not on the road. This blog encapsulates the essence of cycling in Europe, highlighting the joy and freedom that come with exploring diverse landscapes on two wheels.

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