Let Portugal Day take you on a voyage of discovery

sky Let Portugal Day take you on a voyage of discovery Sasha Gayer battleface.com
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Portugal Day celebrates the country’s culture and heritage across the globe.

For different ways to explore this magical country, here’s some inspo.

10 June: Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas

Translation: Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities.

The 10 June date commemorates the death of the poet Luís de Camões in 1580, best known for his epic poem ‘Os Lusiadas’, an imaginative account of Vasco de Gama’s discovery of a sea route to India, with help and hindrance from Roman gods along the way.

Wait- a national holiday that celebrates a poet, not a politician? Neat!

Members of the Portuguese diaspora (and those lucky enough to join in) celebrate the holiday all over the world. (think St Patrick’s Day, but with better food)


The Primavera Sound Festival Porto kicks off the summer festival season 6-8 June. The festival includes well-known headliners SZA and PJ Harvey, afrobeats by Obongjayar, Ethel Cain crushing the gothic songbook, as well as a diverse representation of the Portuguese music scene.

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Road trip!

Explore more of the country by taking to the road in a campervan. Learn more about 4-wheeled camping in Portugal with this lowdown from our very own campervan expert, Laura Wallwork.

Campervanning in Portugal


Prefer to let someone else do the driving? The Linha do Douro train line glides past magnificent scenery, charming stations bedecked with traditional tilework, and local vineyards.

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Explore the Azores for spectacular sea caves and stunning marine life, including thornback rays and tope shark. Thanks to deep water, offshore divers can enjoy visibility of 35m, year-round.

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While the city may be Portugal’s second largest, it ranks first in charm. Explore terraced streets with azulejo tile walls, Baroque churches and the colourful architecture of the Ribeira district. If you’re lucky enough to be in the city on 23 June, celebrate the São João festival with an excellent seaside meal, fireworks, and a 700-year old traditional of lightly bonking people on the head with a souvenir hammer.

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An old city embracing new ideas, the capital city has put sustainability in the forefront, earning it 2020’s European Green Capital award. Pedal through the Garden of the Marias to see how Lisboetas turned a landfill into a lush green space.

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Head off the mainland to Funchal, on the island of Madeira. This walkable city delivers on local cuisine, the wine that made the island famous and blue blue sea views.

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You don’t have to blow your budget to visit Portugal. The warm climate makes it perfect for walking and cycling. Plenty of cheap local eats and drinks. Best of all, the beautiful scenery is free!

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