Ismail Dabbab – The Concierge of Marrakech

Approx read: 3 mins

In classic movies the star always finds those with information few can reveal.

A typical character like the hotel front-office manager, restaurant maître d’, newsstand owner, or savvy taxi driver who knows the latest gossip, the best restaurants, places to be seen, people to trust or avoid. Someone who understands the heartbeat and rhythm of the city is always key to the movie plot.

We pick up that same theme in our interview with an emerging force of insight, knowledge and hidden secrets in Moroccan tourism, Ismail Dabbab, owner of the tourism company Take Your Guide and recognised as concierge to the gateways of Marrakech.

Ismail, you were supposed to be a lawyer and now you’re running a successful tourism company. What happened?

Yes, that’s true, I was well advanced at university and destined for a career in law but then I fell in love with tourism and knew that my path needed to change.

How do you fall in love with tourism?

What do you mean? How can I not love tourism? Tourism is about people. They’re happy and excited to be in Marrakech, my city. I meet and help so many new people every day – my world expands through each new contact and my life is full of their stories, their smiles and their experiences. You think that the law can give me anything as satisfying as this?

Is that excitement from tourists for you or the charm of Marrakech?

Its want to say it’s me but let me leave all the credit to the lady, Marrakech.

She is red.

Yes, Marrakech is the Red City and famous for this which is why I handle tourists from all around the world: Americans, Mexicans, all Europeans want to come here, and I’ve also hosted groups from South Africa, Chile and Argentina, Australia, India, Pakistan…. Name the country and I think I have some connections with tourists who I have assisted here.

What activities in Marrakech surprise tourists the most?

Tough question. Marrakech is known for the souks; the complexity of alleys and colour and sounds are unlike anything tourists experience in their own country, and I think that their expectations are always surpassed. Then there is the food. It’s my city and I need them to experience the best of our cuisine. Morning, afternoon or evening I will have somewhere special to according to what I know will please them. It’s important. Food is key to happiness, and in Marrakech we have much happiness to share.

Did you know that Marrakech is not only the heart of Morocco, but the heart of north Africa?

Why the heart?

Because from here you have access to a lot of things. We are the gateway to the Atlas Mountains and the deserts, and we are the centre of Berber culture. From Marrakech we are close to the Atlantic coast; we are less than 2 hours from Casablanca and from there a flight from New York is just over 6 hours and from Paris 3 hours. We are connected. When are you coming to Marrakech?

You’re inviting me?

Of course! And now the weather is perfect. It is sunny and mild; you can spend a lot of time outside and if you come in the summer, don’t worry as the mountains are cooler and there is still so much to see.

Ismail, thank you for your time, I know you’re extremely busy, I can hear people speaking loudly where you are.

Yes, I’m with a group from Spain and we are going now to have lunch.

You mean, to have some happiness.

Yes, food is happiness!

Mountain biking in Morocco — Emanuela and Eros