Trending: trekking poles for city walking

pole Trending: urban trekking poles for city walking Kim Wright
Approx read: 4 mins

No longer an eye-roll accessory?

The steady march of trekking poles for city walkers

For two decades I ridiculed Birkenstocks, convinced they were a universal sign of surrendering to bad fashion. Now? I have two pairs and love them (much to my own embarrassment). So, when I see city walkers brandishing walking sticks like they’re leading a herd of invisible sheep, I can’t help but feel that familiar twinge of dread. Is this my future? Am I one sarcastic comment away from proudly clacking my way down the street with a glorified cane? At this point, it seems inevitable and here’s why.

The urban walking stick’s growing presence

Let’s be honest, calling them just walking sticks doesn’t quite capture what they’re about. These aren’t your grandpa’s canes; they’re trekking poles, or hiking staffs, and increasingly, a stylish piece of kit for urban walkers. While they have roots in aiding outdoor adventurers who conquer challenging terrains, their presence is becoming common on city sidewalks and cobblestone streets – or haven’t you noticed?

Take a moment to consider how this shift feels familiar. Remember when hiking boots made the leap from trails to trendy footwear? Or how yoga pants transitioned from workout gear to everyday attire, in the same way that surf shorts have, or the original sport-to-fashion accessory – hello baseball cap, I’m looking at you. Yeah, walking sticks seem to be treading a similar path, sparking curiosity and prompting the question of what’s behind this urban phenomenon?

Why the sudden upturn in urban trekking poles?

Somewhat like those sandals I once turned my nose up at – walking sticks and hiking staffs are just so surprisingly practical. They offer walkers a sense of security and support on all kinds of surfaces, which is a major plus for anyone dealing with age-related aches and pains, or joint discomfort, and for those trying to recover some fitness after a fall or operation. It is almost like having your own portable handrail as a companion to navigate the city streets, easing the strain on knees and hips and making the walk more enjoyable.

And whether you’re a tourist exploring a new city, or simply a local pounding the pavement on your daily commute, that extra bit of comfort and stability can make all the difference to the journey.

But hold on – it’s not just about practicality; there’s a definite style element at play here as well. Remember how Birkenstocks went from yuck, no way, to yes please? Well, walking sticks seem to be following a similar theme in the shift from function to fashion with designs now ranging from sleek and sporty carbon fibre to elegant, handcrafted wood versions. Some even boast fancy accents like precious metals or intricate carvings to push the panache boundary further.

red Trending: urban trekking poles for city walking Kim Wright

Stepping up your health game

Beyond the practical and social benefits, walking sticks are also boost the health of travellers. Walking is already a fantastic form of exercise – low-impact, accessible, and incredibly beneficial – and adding a walking stick to the mix simply ramps up those benefits.

Using a stick engages your upper body in a way that regular walking doesn’t, which transforms the standard leisurely stroll into a more complete full-body workout. We’re all aware of what increasing cardio does for our fitness and health: improved heart performance, stronger muscles, more calories burnt, better mental wellness. If you’re looking for a fitness boost without hitting the gym, a walking stick might be just the ticket.

And let’s not forget the improvements in balance and coordination. This is especially important for older adults, as balance and stability are known to decline with age, increasing the risk of falls. While that cold hard pavement is always waiting for the next body slam, a  walking stick offers an extra point of contact with the ground and minimises those unfortunate spills and accidents.

The market takes notice

Never slow to lock into a trend for financial reward, manufacturers have caught on to this growing trend and demand for equipment. The walking stick market is booming, with a wide range of products to suit every need and style, whether it’s a lightweight stick for casual walks, a compact option for travel, or a high-end piece to make a statement, there’s something out there for all levels. The most recent innovation is the rise of adjustable and collapsible sticks, perfect for city dwellers and travellers who value convenience, coupled with features such as shock absorbers, ergonomic handles, and interchangeable tips for different terrains. Yup. The stick isn’t just a stick nowadays.

A shift in perspective

Leaving those physical benefits aside, hiking poles are connected to a deeper cultural shift connected to sustainable travel. In an era where wellness and mindfulness are front and centre, walking sticks represent a return to a slower, more intentional pace. Visiting alternative locations, staying longer, staying local and buying local are recommendations for reducing the pressure of tourists on vacation hotspots.

Once associated with age or frailty, the walking stick is being reimagined. It’s becoming a tool for exploration, a fashion accessory, and a symbol of mindful living. And as someone who once scoffed at Birkenstocks, I’m starting to rethink my own assumptions. Maybe there’s more to this walking stick trend than meets the eye. Or maybe I’m just one step closer to embracing my inner urban trekker. Time will tell.

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