
Travel Medical Insurance

Choose your trip. Choose your cover. Introducing battleface’s Travel Medical Plan.

Customize your coverage

Beef up your travel options by adding benefits on top of our standard policy.
Make the most of trips for leisure, business, or a blend of both with cover for domestic and international destinations. Add oomph to your adventure with extra options for a wide range of activities: road trips, tours, hiking, plus coverage for “Avoid non-essential travel” and “Avoid all travel” destinations. The best part? No need to plan ahead. Pick up or add to a policy while you’re travelling.
Trip Cancellation
Protects the financial investment in your trips in case you have to cancel your trip before you travel, for a covered reason. You are covered from the time you buy the policy until the time your trip begins. Cover is available up to $20,000 per person.

Picks up where cancellation finishes and provides cover for unexpected interruptions while travelling. For example, if you need to cut short your holiday due to illness, injury, or death. This cover is available up to $1,000 per person.

Emergency Medical Expenses, Evacuation and Repatriation of Mortal Remains

Covers up to $5,000,000 for medical expenses and additional travelling costs for transporting you to the nearest adequate medical facility, or home, in the event of a medical emergency. The deductible is $250.

Will pay up to $750 for the costs of providing necessary temporary treatment for the immediate relief of pain or discomfort, and/or emergency repairs to dentures and orthodontic appliances.

Provides a cash benefit of $25 per day, maximum $100 while you’re admitted to the hospital for covered medical care.

Baggage Loss

Lets you choose your limit up to $2,000 for lost, stolen, or damaged luggage, sporting equipment and personal effects. The deductible is $250.

Provides cover for the purchase of clothing, toiletries, and other essential items if your luggage is delayed for a specified period.

Cover is limited to $250 in respect of cash loss, with a total limit of $500. The deductible is $250.

Extends the standard benefits of your policy to include claims which may arise when you are taking part in Activities and Sports. It covers equipment loss or damage including snowboards, skis, bindings, sticks/poles and boots up to 750 (500 per single article, set or pair). Hired equipment is also covered (300 per single article, set or pair).

Personal Liability

Provides coverage up to $500,000 for expenses due to injury to a third person or damage to that person’s property.

Personal Accident

Includes coverage for death or loss of eyesight, hearing or limbs resulting from an accident while travelling. Select your limit up to $250,000 per person.

Robin Assist

Robin Assist is your travel emergency assistance team, worldwide, available 24/7, any time you need it. Robin can help arrange for emergency medical evacuation or make travel arrangements. The team also locates lost luggage, finds lawyers, interpreters, or doctors worldwide. To learn more please click here.

  • Winter Sports optional cover, where selected, does not extend to the Personal Liability benefit under Section G of the policy
  • Travellers up to the age of 79 can buy this product. Cover for illness and Winter Sports is not available for those aged 75 years or over
  • Medical and Emergency Expenses are limited to $50,000 within Canada if you are not covered by government health insurance plan (GHIP) at the time of your claim

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Single-Trip Travel Medical

This product cannot be purchased more than 364 days in advance. You are eligible to buy if:

  • You are not yet 80 years of age (children aged over one month and not yet 18 years old can either be covered under the same policy as your parent or guardian, or the main policy holder with parental consent); and
  • You have received all immunisations recommended by your home country prior to entry into the host country; and
  • You do not at any time during the Policy Period carry any firearm or any instrument or device designed or intended to cause injury or death to another person unless you have told us in advance, it has been accepted by us and you have paid the appropriate additional premium and you are not an active member of any military or paramilitary force at any time during the Policy Period

If for any reason you cannot satisfy all of these criteria, please contact us and we will do our utmost to find a product to suit your needs.

The statement within our product information document is to notify you that certain pandemic viruses are excluded e.g. Ebola. battleface does provide cover for medical expenses incurred by an Insured Person aged 65 years or under for the treatment of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 and symptoms thereof, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

No, this product does not cover for resort closure due to Covid-19. If you are notified of a resort closure due to Covid-19 we recommend you contact your travel agent.

If you are delayed by more than 12 hours as a result of an insured event, battleface does provide trip delay cover for all persons included within the policy. Terms and Conditions apply.

Equipment includes snowboards, skis, bindings, sticks/poles and boots. Winter Sports equipment is covered up to 750 (500 per single article, set or pair). Hired equipment is also covered (300 per single article, set or pair). Exclusions do apply, so please check the Policy Document for full details.

The excess (deductible) for ski equipment is 50 per person or 100 per family for each incident which gives rise to a claim. Standard excesses will apply for the remaining sections of the policy.

The Optional Activities and Sports cover, when selected, covers additional sports and activities not included in our standard policy, including Winter sports. This includes equipment loss or damage for skiing and snowboarding. It also extends the standard benefits of your policy to include claims which may arise when you are participating in winter sports. No cover will apply in respect of Personal Liability claims.

We’re always tracking the global travel ecosystem to ensure we’re covering the right risks at the right rates. For example, your destination country is part of our rating algorithm and if that country is high risk when you quote and then is lower risk when you buy, you may see a lower premium for your policy.

You can change your travel dates any time before you travel and cancellation is free within the cooling off period. If you wish to cancel we can offer you a full refund provided you cancel within 14 days of receiving your policy documents and before the start date of your policy.

If you have already embarked on your trip or need to cancel after the 14 days cooling off period, your premium will be refunded pro-rata from the date your instructions are received, provided you have not made a claim.

Yes, we will pay for the costs, up to the limit shown on your policy, of providing necessary temporary treatment for the immediate relief of pain or discomfort, and/or emergency repairs to dentures and orthodontic appliances. Please note the policy does not cover for any pre-planned dental treatment or diagnostic procedures.

There is strictly no cover under the terms and conditions of this policy when engaging in freestyle skiing, ski-jumping, ski flying, ski/snowboard-acrobatics, ski snowboard stunting, extreme skiing/ snowboarding, skeleton and luge or any variations.

We also do not cover any Trip where the primary purpose is to:

  1. set or break a speed, distance, endurance or other record;
  2. to participate in a commercial film, documentary or other program;
  3. to test a product

Unless this has been declared in advance to Us and We have agreed in writing to provide cover for such activities.

Yes, our Single-Trip product includes baggage cover up to the limits shown on your policy. There are some important limitations to cover that will apply, so please refer to section E of your Policy Document for full details. For example, we will pay a maximum of 250 for each single article, pair or set of items and up to 100 for mobile phones or smartphones. If you are planning to take expensive items such as cameras, e-readers, games consoles, laptops, mobile/smart phones, tablets, jewelry, watches or other Valuables with you then we recommend you have adequate personal possessions cover under a home contents or other insurance policy.

Please note that baggage claims are subject to the excess (deductible) and paid based on the original value of the goods, less a deduction for wear and tear and loss of value based on the age of the goods at the time that they are lost. An original receipt, valuation report or other satisfactory proof of ownership and value is required to support the claim. Evidence of replacement value is not sufficient.

Pre-Existing Medical Condition means an illness, disease, or other condition during the 180 day period immediately prior to the date Your coverage is effective :

    1. received or received a recommendation for a test, examination, or medical treatment for a condition which first manifested itself, worsened or became acute, or had symptoms which would have prompted a reasonable person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment; or
    2. took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. Item (2) of this definition does not apply to a condition which is treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescription drugs or medicine and remains treated or controlled without any adjustment or change in the required prescription throughout the 180 day period before coverage is effective under this policy.
    3. required a change in prescribed medication. Change in prescribed medication means the dosage or frequency of a medication has been reduced, increased, stopped and/or new medications have been prescribed due to the worsening of an underlying condition that is being treated with the medication, unless the change is:
      1. between a brand name and a generic medication with comparable dosage; or
      2. an adjustment to insulin or anti-coagulant dosage.

If you, or someone you are traveling with, has a Pre-Existing Medical Condition, you can still buy a policy from us but there is no cover for any claim arising directly or indirectly from that condition.

Single-Trip Travel Medical product will not cover any claim arising directly or indirectly from a known pre-existing medical condition. You don’t need to disclose your pre-existing conditions to us when you buy a policy, but we may ask for relevant details of your medical history in the event of a claim.

Participation in winter sports in a professional capacity or on a competitive basis are not covered.

Only if you are skiing with a qualified instructor or guide. In all other cases, skiing off-piste will not be covered.

Yes for delays in excess of 24 hours from your planned departure. Cancellation and delay cover applies to outward travel only. There is no cover for additional expenses in the event of travel disruption or delays.

We offer a 10% discount as standard when you buy a policy covering more than one traveller. Just add each additional traveller at the quotation stage and the discount will automatically be applied.

This insurance excludes certain sports and pastimes. Please see the Policy Document for the list of Excluded Activities: here

The easiest option would be to buy a new policy, to cover the remaining part of your journey. We strongly advise that you buy cover for as long as you need in one go, although we understand that travel plans may change.

Please note that it would be subject to your continuing to meet the eligibility criteria and the pre-existing exclusion would re-apply at the effective date of your new policy. When purchasing policies while travelling cover will start 24-hours after purchase.

Availability of cover may also be limited by your location at the time of intended purchase and how long you have been there.

Travel Medical Insurance

Some benefits are subject to an excess (aka, the deductible, or what you have to pay before we pay), as stated in the Policy Schedule, and are per Policy Period.

Benefits Limits
Cancellation up to $20,000
Trip Interruption $1,000
Medical and Emergency Expenses $5,000,000 (deductible $250)
Hospital Benefit $25 per day, maximum $100
Personal Accident up to $50,000
Baggage $2,000 (deductible $250)
Personal Money and Passport, limited to $250 in respect of cash $500 (deductible $250)
Personal Liability $500,000
Optional Benefits Limits
Business Extension up to $1,000 (deductible $100)
Winter Sports (Ski Equipment) up to $750 (deductible $50 or $100)


FOR RESIDENTS OF ALL STATES OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED BELOW: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly presents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in prison.

ALASKA: A person who knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive an insurance company files a claim containing false, incomplete, or misleading information may be prosecuted under state law.

ARIZONA: For your protection Arizona law requires the following statement to appear on this form. Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss is subject to criminal and civil penalties.

CALIFORNIA: For your protection California law requires the following to appear on this form: Any person who knowingly presents false or fraudulent information to obtain or amend insurance coverage or to make a claim for the payment of a loss is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in state prison. 

COLORADO:  It is unlawful to knowingly provide false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, fines, denial of insurance and civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to a policyholder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the policyholder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado division of insurance within the department of regulatory agencies.

DELAWARE: Any person who knowingly, and with intent to injure, defraud or deceive any insurer, files a statement of claim containing any false, incomplete or misleading information is guilty of a felony.

FLORIDA:  Any person who knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive any insurer files a statement of claim or an application containing any false, incomplete, or misleading information is guilty of a felony of the third degree.

IDAHO: Any person who knowingly, and with intent to defraud or deceive any insurance company, files a statement of claim containing any false, incomplete, or misleading information is guilty of a felony.

INDIANA: A person who knowingly and with intent to defraud an insurer files a statement of claim containing any false, incomplete, or misleading information commits a felony.

KANSAS: A “fraudulent insurance act” means an act committed by any person who, knowingly and with intent to defraud, presents, causes to be presented or prepares with knowledge or belief that it will be presented to or by an insurer, purported insurer, broker or any agent thereof, any written, electronic, electronic impulse, facsimile, magnetic, oral, or telephonic communication or statement as part of, or in support of, an application for the issuance of, or the rating of an insurance policy for personal or commercial insurance, or a claim for payment or other benefit pursuant to an insurance policy for commercial or personal insurance which such person knows to contain materially false information concerning any fact material thereto; or conceals, for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto.


Application: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance containing any materially false information or conceals, for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime.

Claim Form: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files a statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals, for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime.

MAINE: It is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, fines or a denial of insurance benefits.

MARYLAND:  Any person who knowingly or willfully presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or who knowingly or willfully presents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in prison.

MINNESOTA:  A person who files a claim with intent to defraud or helps commit a fraud against an insurer is guilty of a crime.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Any person who, with a purpose to injure, defraud, or deceive any insurance company, files a statement of claim containing any false, incomplete, or misleading information is subject to prosecution and punishment for insurance fraud, as provided in RSA 638:20.


Application: Any person who includes any false or misleading information on an application for an insurance policy is subject to criminal and civil penalties.

Claim Form: Any person who knowingly files a statement of claim containing any false or misleading information is subject to criminal and civil penalties.

PENNSYLVANIA: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and civil penalties.


OHIO: Any person who, with intent to defraud or knowing that he is facilitating a fraud against an insurer, submits an application or files a claim containing a false or deceptive statement is guilty of insurance fraud.

OKLAHOMA: Any person who knowingly, and with intent to injure, defraud or deceive any insurer, makes any claim for the proceeds of an insurance policy containing any false, incomplete or misleading information is guilty of a felony.

OREGON: IMPORTANT NOTE: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly presents false information in an application for insurance may be guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in prison.

TENNESSEE: It is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding the company. Penalties include imprisonment, fines and denial of insurance benefit.

TEXAS: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in state prison. 

VIRGINIA: It is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding the company. Penalties include imprisonment, fines and denial of insurance benefits. 

WASHINGTON: It is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding the company. Penalties include imprisonment, fines and denial of insurance benefits.

NEW YORK*:  Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime, and shall also be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars and the stated value of the claim for each such violation.