Why is my price different today than when I first quoted my policy?
The amount we charge is the total amount of the premium and any relevant government charges. Several factors are considered in determining the amount payable. These include: Advance Purchase – the further in advance that you purchase the policy, the higher the premium may be Age – the older you are, the higher the premium […]
Can I claim for lost or stolen baggage?
We’ll pay up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits in the PDS for the following: Damaged items – we’ll repair damage where practical and economical to do so Stolen and lost items – we’ll replace any items available from our usual suppliers For items we agree we can’t repair or replace, we’ll […]
Am I covered if the resort closes due to COVID-19?
No, this product does not cover for resort closure due to COVID-19. If you are notified of a resort closure due to COVID-19, we recommend you contact the resort or your travel agent.
Your documentation says that certain pandemics are excluded from cover, does this mean battleface will not cover COVID-19?
Pandemics and epidemics are excluded from cover, with the exception of COVID-19 under the prescribed conditions outlined in the PDS.
Can I use this product for travel within my home country?
No, cover would only apply for any illness or injury first showing after you leave Australia.
My return trip has been delayed, am I covered for any additional expenses?
If selected, battleface provides Cancellation or Trip Interruption cover when you need to cancel or change your travel plans, due to your pre-paid accommodation having been destroyed or if it becomes uninhabitable due to severe weather or natural disaster. This is on the basis that no alternative equivalent accommodation is available nearby and you’ve done […]
Am I covered for delay or cancellation caused by adverse weather conditions?
Cancellation and Trip Interruption cover, if selected, applies for cancellation or restriction by the carrier of pre-paid, scheduled public transport services, caused by severe weather or a natural disaster.
Are there any exclusions?
Travel insurance doesn’t cover everything. It is designed to provide coverage for certain unforeseeable circumstances. The information we provide here is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits, and exclusions. For a full description of coverage, please carefully read the PDS or connect with our team to discuss.
Does battleface cover business trips?
Yes, you can take out our travel insurance policy for both business trips and leisure vacations.
Does travel insurance cover COVID quarantine?
If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and are required to quarantine, you may have coverage under your policy. For example: If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 by a registered medical provider within 14 days before your trip (and after you’ve purchased your policy), you may be covered under Cancellation benefits, if you have selected it […]